Getting studied in NTU (Nanyang Technological University) would be a nice experience as you will be exposed to various types of education tools which can enhance your education experiences.
From what I experienced (as well as other NTU fellow schoolmates), I used to logon to EdveNTUre to download lecture and tutorial notes, watch lecture recording series (yeah, like hong kong movie series, episode by episode, haha ^o^) to catch up my coursework, My Filing Cabinet to save my project-related files up to 1Gb of size...

Yawn...lotz of notes to study...
...Blackboard to save notes and lecture recording links into my harddisk so that when juniors ask for help, can serve as a reference to them; for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students, utilized the NTU Library Database and e-Journal to find journals and citations...

Hemm...where should I go to find the thermal properties of silicon?
Basically these are the tools that I used in past 3.5 years in NTU.
But somehow, there are still plenty useful and interesting education tools that I have missed out! One of the examples is aNTUna Connect.

Got to know this tool after I went to NTU Centre of Educational Development's (CED) talk last week. Knowing that it's a good interactive education tool, that's why it should be recommended to all NTU students.
It is a MSN-like tool where you can link yourself with your tutorial mates or your professors for project discussions or chit-chat. It links to the NTU database so you can add them easily into your contact list by knowing the name or the NTU email address of the person you would to add...yeah, he or she needs to be one of the NTU community.

Seems MSN hor?
So, what so special about this software besides it is easy to use and ads-free?

Teachers or professors can make use this software to track how well the students perform in their studies, homework submission, short assessments on students, etc.
and much more functions for interactive discussions, surveys, etc.

What I like is its Interactive Blackboard function, similar but better than MSN: what you are drawing now is what will be seen by your groupmates...SIMULTANEOUSly (unless laggy Internet connection)! Means that no 'ENTER' key to be tapped and you can see immediate response from your groupmates or your professor. Somehow it just like you are having LIVE discussion with groupmates at different locations! Equipped with colourful 'chalks' with various thicknesses, you can make the discussions more colorful...

From what I experienced (as well as other NTU fellow schoolmates), I used to logon to EdveNTUre to download lecture and tutorial notes, watch lecture recording series (yeah, like hong kong movie series, episode by episode, haha ^o^) to catch up my coursework, My Filing Cabinet to save my project-related files up to 1Gb of size...
Yawn...lotz of notes to study...
...Blackboard to save notes and lecture recording links into my harddisk so that when juniors ask for help, can serve as a reference to them; for final year undergraduate and postgraduate students, utilized the NTU Library Database and e-Journal to find journals and citations...
Hemm...where should I go to find the thermal properties of silicon?
Basically these are the tools that I used in past 3.5 years in NTU.
But somehow, there are still plenty useful and interesting education tools that I have missed out! One of the examples is aNTUna Connect.

Got to know this tool after I went to NTU Centre of Educational Development's (CED) talk last week. Knowing that it's a good interactive education tool, that's why it should be recommended to all NTU students.

It is a MSN-like tool where you can link yourself with your tutorial mates or your professors for project discussions or chit-chat. It links to the NTU database so you can add them easily into your contact list by knowing the name or the NTU email address of the person you would to add...yeah, he or she needs to be one of the NTU community.
Seems MSN hor?
So, what so special about this software besides it is easy to use and ads-free?
Teachers or professors can make use this software to track how well the students perform in their studies, homework submission, short assessments on students, etc.
and much more functions for interactive discussions, surveys, etc.
What I like is its Interactive Blackboard function, similar but better than MSN: what you are drawing now is what will be seen by your groupmates...SIMULTANEOUSly (unless laggy Internet connection)! Means that no 'ENTER' key to be tapped and you can see immediate response from your groupmates or your professor. Somehow it just like you are having LIVE discussion with groupmates at different locations! Equipped with colourful 'chalks' with various thicknesses, you can make the discussions more colorful...
Source: aNTUna's user manual
Quite an interactive and interesting tool right?
As this software is quite a new initiative by CED and HeuLab Pte.Ltd. (the developer), more can be done to enhance the usefulness of the tool, such as voice or video call function. It would be great if this tool is promoted in other education institutions as well and can be interlinked so that instead only can be used within NTU community, it can be interconnected to other institutions for project discussions or collaborations!
Eager to discover it? Click the hyperlink below, or logon to --> resources --> tools for students. Several tutorial videos and user manuals are there as well so you won't get lost while using it.
aNTUna Connect
Seems that almost everyone has Facebook and some might have iPhone as well, here's another application from CED. You can make use of EdveNTUre's Blackboard Sync (after login, under the left-vertical Tool section) to sync lecture note updates or lecturers' announcements onto FB/iPhone! No more excuse to miss out any announcements by professors!
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