Tuesday, November 11, 2008


It seems that everyone is mugging with their books n notes, everywhere in NTU. You will see a lot of familiar faces (friends I meant) or other students gather or study alone in every corner, preparing for the WAR...

Lee Wee Nam Library

Old Canteen A, day time and night time. Too many people in daytime, just like having study carnival.

N2 Reading room. Very quiet here, one can easily feel the stress.

MSE al-fresco area

In someone's living room...

Tension and stress are everywhere. But still, there are also somebody who seems to be more relaxed (perhaps fully prepared d?)

Playing poker in the library, sigh...speechless

No matter where you are studying now, no matter when are your exam dates, no matter how much you have prepared...just to wish you guys and me myself...

MAY we PaSSing with FlYing CoLors!!!

Be brave, Let's fightttttt......

"现在几点了,你到底惭不惭愧?“ - 出自 "JV对话集:苦劝JX莫沉迷于网络游戏"

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